Monday 3 February 2014

Watercolours and Still Life

Our words of the week are:
la table, le zoo, un éléphant, le vent, le soleil, la boue, la maison

This week we will continue with the sound 'eh' (not 'ay') and learn two more ways of making it. In addition to "ai" and "es", we can also make this sound with both "è" and "ê", and with "-et" when it finishes a word (like un jouet).
Some words that use these letters are: père, mère, frère, juillet, chère, première, prêt, tête

We had another great workshop with Donnely Friday afternoon. Hopefully you have already heard all about it.
It began with colour mixing using watercolours. We made all of the secondary, and even the tertiary colours, such as blue-violet, and yellow-orange. We also experimented with white, adding it to our other colours to make pastel shades.

Then, we learned a technique called repelling. The watercolour paint repels from the wax in pastels so that you can use both mediums together, and they work beautifully together. Somehow the paint makes the pastels seem brighter.

Donnely explained what Still Life is, and gave us some tips for sketching some lovely flower bouquets. The artists sketched freely with pastel, looking for shapes and adding as much detail as they wanted.

Then, they painted over it with the watercolours and their sketches started popping off the page. They are quite beautiful!