Wednesday 19 February 2014

Congratulations Aire 24!

Thank you to everyone who returned the teeny piece of paper for the French book fair draw. We had said that it would be really cool if we all returned it because then our class would have a great chance of winning, and we DID! One of our students has won $25 worth of French books to take home, and I was allowed to select the same value of books for our classroom library. Very exciting!

I think everyone was dressed properly for gymnastics class yesterday, and it looks like great fun. Please remember to wear your shorts and t-shirts again tomorrow (Thursday). In addition, I have suggested that students bring some extra socks for tomorrow since it could turn out to be a very wet day.

In science this week, we're continuing to investigate the properties of different materials. We got to check out the mysterious inside of our class piano to see what materials are involved, and a bit of how it works. This was very cool - ask your investigator what they saw!

Today we used our sense of touch to decide whether objects were rough or smooth. The children worked in groups of 3, with one person directing the experiment and the others closing their eyes to decide if what they were touching was rough or smooth. Everyone did a great job transitioning through the different centres and noting their findings. We have more experiments coming up about materials that can absorb liquids, and on materials that can float. Ask your scientist which materials were smooth and which were rough, and how rough wood or rocks can become smooth.