Wednesday 23 November 2016


Dear skaters,

We're already thinking about our next outings. Once again, Mme Robinson has arranged for grade 1s and 2s to go skating THREE times this winter. Thanks to the parent council, these outings will be completely free for all students. Thank you!!

Our dates are: December 16, January 25 and February 1. On each date we will leave just after attendance and return just on time for lunch. This includes 1 hour of skating at McCormick arena.

As you can imagine, we will need many parents to help with these outings. If you can skate, even better! The blue permission form is coming home today. Please return page 2 by December 1st. On the reverse, please let me know about skates, helmets and days that you are able to help. We will make sure that we find skates and a helmet for anyone who indicates they do not have their own. We want everyone to practice their skating skills this year!
