Friday 11 November 2016

Remembrance Day

Hi parents,

Thank you for the interview forms. I will send home a confirmation of your time on Monday. I think I've found a convenient time for everyone, but let me know if you need to reschedule.

Today, students brought home several Remembrance Day items. We received a couple activity books that might be fun to do at home (we started a few activities at school today). We also made some beautiful poppies that we wore to the assembly this morning.

In addition, we worked on an art project that uses perspective to show a field of poppies. I think they are the most gorgeous things ever, especially when you see them all together. I can't wait for you to see them in person when you come for your interview next week.

This afternoon, we had a chance to sit in our community circle and share personal stories about people we know who were involved in a war. I shared some short stories about my grandfather. Ask your student to retell it to you - there's a funny part!

Have a lovely weekend,