Monday 7 November 2016

November Scholastic Recommendation

Here are a few selections that may interest you this month:

Grade 1: #15, "Collection Les mots-outils Saisons" - Again, this series is always good for beginning readers - very few words per page. In grade 1 we are talking about the seasons right now, so these books are perfect (and it's 22 books for $22!!!)
Grade 2: #18, "Trio Nestor" - We have several of these "Je peux lire!" books in class. They are real stories (several words per page), but are still fairly simple.

For everyone: #20, "Jeu de math Pingouins" - I'm always trying to dream up ways to make learning math feel like a fun game. This looks like a good one!

Any orders for November are due on Thursday the 17th.