Tuesday 22 November 2016

Nature Centre

Hi parents,

We had a successful trip to the Nature Centre today. We learned all about how trees make food for themselves, why leaves change colour in the fall, how trees live through the winter, and so much more. My hiking group even learned some stunning facts from our guide. Did you know that bees have excellent facial recognition?? They can recognize each other! Crazy!

Here are some questions your hiker might be able to answer to get the conversation going...
- What do trees like to eat?
- What part of the tree is the chef?
- When the leaves stop making food in the fall, what happens to them?
- When trees lose their leaves, does it means they have died? What are they doing?
- What's a squirrel's nest called? (We made some on our hike.)
- Tell me about the tag game you played. How can you tell the kinds of trees apart if they don't have leaves on them?

Thanks again to all our parent volunteers, we couldn't have done it without you! If you have any pictures you can send me, please do and I will post them here!