Friday 18 November 2016

Field Trip!!

Hi parents,

It was nice to chat with you during our interviews over the last two evenings. Thanks for all your insight, support and involvement. You know you can always contact me if you have questions or concerns, and we don't have to wait until February to meet again if you want to touch base.

Tuesday afternoon is our field trip to the High Park Nature Centre. A note came home yesterday with details about what to bring and how to dress. It looks like it will be chilly next week and a large part of the day will be outside. Remember, we can always take stuff off so it's better to have too much rather than too little. Even if there's no snow, snowpants might not be the worst thing. Definitely hats, scarves and gloves. We will be reviewing safety and behaviour expectations for our trip before we leave. For instance, always hold your partner's hand in the subway station and put your back against the wall when waiting for the train. Also, there are some common sense Nature Centre rules that we will be learning before our hike. Please speak to your adventurer about your expectations for their behaviour on this exciting adventure!

This trip links nicely with what our grade 1s have been working on in science recently. As you know, we've been talking about the seasons. Our latest project was to actually build the 4 seasons using craft materials! The builders worked with their groups to sort out who would do what, put the seasons in the right order, "shop" for materials, and assemble everything. When we were all done, each student completed a self-evaluation thinking about how they worked as a member of their group. The projects look super cool - next week we will present them to each other.

Have a great weekend,