Monday 19 September 2016

You're Invited

Hello salle 211 families,

I've called most families now with this information, but once again, I'd like to formally invite you all to our Welcome BBQ & Curriculum Night happening this Thursday evening at Dewson.
The BBQ begins outside at 5pm and is a lot of fun and a great chance to meet your child's new classmates. Between 6:30 and 7:30 you are welcome to visit our classroom. Your child can give you the tour - show you where they hang their bag, where they can keep a book they're reading, our classroom rules, how to use the listening centre, what they like to do during free time and lots more!
At 6:45 and 7:10 I will ring the chimes and I will talk for a few minutes about some important routines. Some you may have heard about, and some will be new to you. Sometimes things are easier to explain in person, so it would be fantastic if every child could have a caregiver present at one of those times. If you are unable to make it, no worries, just keep an eye on this blog and I will explain everything when it becomes relevant.
I will just add that curriculum night is not a great time to have long conversations about individual children. If you would like to meet about anything at this point, I will have my calendar ready and we can set a time. You can also email me anytime.

Thank you again for helping your child remember to have their words of the week cahier with them on the appropriate day. Again, I've corrected the grade 2 work and in some cases written a little note about how they can improve their work. Please have a look at this and have your student ask me if they are confused.

This week we are reviewing the sound ‘e’. In French, this letter makes a different sound than in English. Think “book”. Again, for each new sound that we learn, I love the idea of using 3-D letters or flashcards to experiment with the vowel combined with different consonants. We won’t be looking at each consonant in depth the way we are vowels, so this is a great way to make sure your child has a good grasp of the whole alphabet. Don’t worry if your combos aren’t real words, we’re just working on combining sounds in this game!

Grade 1: le, je, de, me, te
Bonus words: ne, se
Grade 2: bleu, deux, feu, fleur, un cheval