Thursday 22 September 2016


Hi parents,

I'm looking forward to seeing you here in a few hours! The BBQ outside begins at 5:00pm. Presentations in area 211 will be at 6:45 and again at 7:10. If you can't be here, I will try to send any important handouts home with your student tomorrow, and I will post the information I speak about here on the blog when it becomes relevant. Hope to see many of you tonight!

Tomorrow morning is Dewson's Terry Fox run. We will be running/walking around the block during period 2, just before morning recess. We have your signed walking permission forms, so we're all good to go tomorrow, just remind your student to dress for success (walking clothes, running shoes, hat, sunscreen and water bottle). We are also encouraging each student to donate $2 to the cause. Our class has already collected over $30! If everyone in our school brings in a toonie for Terry, we will be able to donate $1000 to cancer research. Thanks!

See you tonight!