Wednesday 14 September 2016

Montre et Raconte & Gr. 1 Homework!

Dear Salle 211 families,

Our students have shown an interest in having a time to share special objects or talents with the class. I also love giving students opportunities to give presentations and share personal stories. Since we do not have time every day for everyone to share, I have set up the following schedule. Please let your student know when their montre et raconte days are and help them remember on the day so that they are not disappointed. Students may choose to share a special object, talent (e.g., piano solo) or even a small pet (e.g., hamster) if you are able to bring it in at the end of the day (pets are not invited to stay all day - I have my hands full already!).
On their day, students will have a couple minutes each to present. It would be great if you could allow students to practice for you in advance so that they can figure out what they want to say. Grade 2s will be expected to speak entirely in French, and grade 1s will be encouraged to use as much French as they can and ask for help with tricky words!

Here we go:
Friday September 30 & Friday February 24
Archer, Aster, Beckett, Benji, Brooklyn

Friday October 28 & Friday March 31
Declan, Delina, Egan, Gabe, Teagan

Friday November 25 & Friday April 28
Emmy, Estelle, Joah, Marko, Oliver

Friday December 16 & Friday May 26
Florkencia, Louisa, Ryan, Sam, Santi, Sean

Grade 1 students have a bonus chance to share a special object with us this week! As I mentioned in a previous post, we will need at-home help with a big social studies project that we are starting. This project involves reflecting on important moments in our lives, special people, places, things and how we contribute to our communities. During our social studies periods on Friday, grade 1s will be talking about objects that bring them joy, cheer them up, comfort them or are meaningful for other reasons. Some examples might be a special blanket, stuffed toy or gift from a family member, but of course it could be anything. We already started brainstorming some special objects in class today so most students probably already have an idea of their special object. If possible (and with your permission), students are invited to bring this object to school Friday to show the group, and to use as reference when completing this part of the project. If they can't bring it, it's totally fine, they will still participate in everything.

In the coming week we will be asking for a bit more help with our project. This will be mostly to have some conversations at home in anticipation of our discussions at school, but we will also need some photos, preferably emailed directly to me. More on this soon!

Happy sharing!