Saturday 10 September 2016

First Week!

Dear Room 211 families,

It was a hot and sticky first week in Salle 211. Thanks to all my new students for sticking with me and giving it their best even when we were all hot and tired! Next week will be much nicer!

I've quickly been getting to know my new students and they've been settling in quickly to our new routines. I've been wanting to share details from the first few days, but didn't want to clutter up the blog before you had a chance to explore all the beginning of the year posts. If you haven't had a chance to sift through all the information (I know, it's a lot), don't worry. Nothing ever gets erased, just archived. If what you're looking for is not below, just click on the Archives at the bottom.

Thank you for all the mail! I've already received lots of letters and forms, which I've very much enjoyed reading. If you haven't yet had a chance, please do try to to send all of that stuff in soon. I love and always look forward to reading those first day letters from you! Once I have everyone's media forms, I'll know if I can begin posting pictures here so that you can feel even more a part of our school day.

A couple other reminders:
- Library is on days 3 and 8. Our next book exchange will land on next Thursday, but students can drop off their books in our class bin anytime throughout the week.
- Thank you for jumping into our words of the week right away! We ALL get new words of the week on MONDAYS. Please ensure your student has their cahier in their pochette on Monday (most grade 2s remembered to give me their cahier on Friday).
- We have gym, dance or DPA every day. If your student is not wearing running shoes to school, please make sure they have a pair with them. We do have a bin ready to receive shoes that can stay at school.

This week we have established all kids of routines for our class. We know how to empty and pack our bags, where to put notes for me, where to line up after recess and where the safe places to play in the school yard are. We have practiced what we do in the case of a fire alarm and we have worked on including others during free time and recess. We discuss our 4 class rules regularly (ask your student what they are) and I have seen amazing listening behaviour from everyone in the class. Keep up the great work!

In French this week, we have been working on little Tout sur Moi (All about Me) books so that I can get to know my students. We are already experts at recognizing the letter 'a' and grade 1s began reviewing printing skills, including a comfortable pencil grip (more important than we tend to think) and forming letters neatly. If you have a chance to watch your child write at home, try to encourage them to start their letters at the top, the way they are practicing at school. This will help them form good habits.

In math,we are getting started with some counting and skip-counting activities. At home, you can review French numbers by asking your student to count various sets aloud in French (ex. Can you count how many juice boxes are left in French?)

Our grade 2s have quickly gotten into the routine of taking themselves to library twice a week for their social studies/science periods with Mme Gaudreault and their other grade 2 friends. Grade 1s will soon begin working on a little self-reflection project during our time together, and we will need a bit of at-home help. Keep your eye out for more details!

Finally, thanks for your patience with pick-up. Very soon I will know who belongs to who, but for now it is helpful if you come say hi at the end of the day. I do need to see each child's picker-upper every day before I release them. Please remind your child to always stay with the teacher and not to leave without saying goodbye. Otherwise I worry! If it's ok for an older sibling to pick up your grade 1/2 student, please let me know!

If you need to contact me at any time, email is the best way to reach me. Don't forget the in (there is a principal by the same name).

See you Monday,