Monday 12 September 2016

Words of the Week

Thank you! Almost every single student had their Mots de la Semaine cahier ready to go today! Fantastic! We glued in our new words. 

Remember, grade 1s can keep their cahier at home until next Monday while you practice these new words, still using the sound 'a'.

Grade 1: papa, arbre, classe, table, balle 
Bonus words: maman, animal

Grade 2 homework has been checked! Look at last week's work to make sure your student is on the right track. I'm being fussy about their printing so that we can form good habits. Today students should be doing their Monday task of writing each new word 3 times (not 2... I didn't help this time!).
Tomorrow (Tuesday), they need to write one sentence for each word, underlining the word. For example, 
Je joue avec une balle dehors.

See? They don't have to be long.

Wednesday grade 2s need to write their words in alphabetical order, and Thursday they need to clap the syllables and write how many there are for each word. I'll see grade 2 cahiers back here again Friday and we'll do a little dictée. Thanks again for your help getting right into the routine!

Grade 2: avec, avion, pas, le canard, le rat

Just a few students came home today wearing bright pink reminder bracelets - super stylish if I do say so... Please send in those yellow school forms tomorrow!

Finally, a big BRAVO to the whole class. Mme Teresa, our main lunchroom supervisor, told me that our class is the best at staying seated and tidying up before waiting to be dismissed. This is not easy in a busy lunchroom, so I was very pleased to hear that our class is keeping things together! Continue le bon travail mes amis!

Parents, if you have not done so already, please label the outside of your student's lunch bag with their name and our room number (211). The bins are carried back to our class by grade 6 helpers. Should a lunch fall out of the bin, they will be able to find it's rightful home if it is clearly labelled. Let's avoid losing lunch bags! Thanks!