Friday 18 September 2015

Amazing week!

Hi Room 211 families,

We've had another really great week! Our students are quite familiar now with how things work and the transitions between activities are getting quicker and quicker. We are still working on being extra quiet in the hallways, since we sometimes come and go while other classes are working.

In French, we've continued to talk a lot about the 'a' sound, including putting 5 words in our personal dictionaries (not necessarily starting with 'a', but containing it) and searching for all the 'a's in a funny poem. Ask your students what the poem was about and what words they added to their dictionary today!

In math, we've been reviewing our numbers from 1-20. Every student has had at least one turn doing a counting solo for the class - sometimes even backwards, by 2 or with their eyes closed! We've also illustrated some numbers in personal counting booklets, counted up various items that we have in our class, and played several math games including bingo, a "de plus" game and dominoes. Time to count higher!

We've read many stories together, including a sung story yesterday called "C'est la poulette grise". Ask your singer if they remember any of the song, or the silly places where the hen lays her eggs. The readers are also developing some VERY strong reading muscles. We are already up to 17 (can you believe it?) minutes of quiet reading (we started with 2 minutes on the first day)! AND - what makes it even more amazing is that the last two days, they have done this without me walking around them all the time. I've been teaching one group at a time to play Uno while the others read. I am so impressed with how they have focused during their reading time.

I have some pictures of our class in action and I would love to share them with you. I am, however, still waiting on a few media release forms. If you still have the package of forms from the first day of school, please return them Monday (I sent home little reminders yesterday in case you're not sure).

Thanks a lot and have a great weekend!