Wednesday 5 September 2012

We can count!


Another good day in Area 24! The children are starting to get the hang of some of our routines, such as folding our tablecloths after lunch (very impressed with the initiative today). Thanks to everyone who remembered their communication folder today! Don't worry if it comes home empty (aside from the printing book), I will send them regardless so that we can maintain the routine!

Today, we read (or looked at books) for 2 whole minutes (a minute more than yesterday). We're working on developing good reading behaviours so that we get to be strong readers, like an athlete with his/her sport!

If you haven't had time to read all my previous posts (no worries), please keep scrolling, but I want to leave you with one thing you can work on at home if you're interested.
I've discovered that our class counts forwards incredibly well - better than I had anticipated. I think we have gone past 20 now. Today we tried counting backwards from 10 - this is tricky, even when we're looking at the numbers. You can practice this in all sorts of ways at home, maybe you already count backwards when you want your child to follow an instruction. Maybe you count down to when dinner will be ready. If you're already doing this, try doing it in French! Try having your child count with or for you. If it's difficult, playing cards make great flash cards! Order them from 10 down to 2 or ace, this will help!

Happy Counting!