Thursday 6 September 2012

Paperwork is fun!

Congratulations, we made it through our first week!

Today the communication folders are full again, with the many forms that the school requires. Please send them back ASAP, but definitely by next Friday, September 14th.

Just for fun, here are a few things we've practiced saying in French this week. Maybe you can have some fun with this over the weekend! (The great thing about grade one, is that you can probably keep up with your kids' French! Later, this won't be so easy, so take advantage!)

Je m'appelle (Tamara). J'ai cinq/six ans.
= My name is (Tamara). I am five/six years old.

Aujourd'hui c'est lundi/mardi/mercredi/jeudi/vendredi/samedi/dimanche.
= Today is Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

C'est l'anniversaire de Ella!
= It's Ella's birthday!

J'ai deux frères. OR  J'ai une soeur.
= I have two brothers. OR  I have one sister. (etc.)

Est-ce que tu peux l'ouvrir?
= Can you open this? (A very useful sentence to know!)

Est-ce que tu peux m'aider?
= Can you help me? (Equally useful.)

Je suis content(e) / heureux(se) / excité(e) / triste / fâché(e).
= I am happy / excited / sad / angry.

Bonne fin de semaine!
Have a great weekend!