Friday 28 September 2012

Chat & Chew

Dear parents,

This morning it was announced that we are expecting some work to be done on the Dewson Field. In the long run, this will make our field a much nicer place to play, but it will require us to be mindful of our safety and of the new boundaries during the construction period. On Monday morning, there may be a large area fenced off where work will be starting. The children are aware of this, but they asked me to remind you through the blog so that you aren't surprised.

In addition, there is a very important note coming home today in the yellow folder. It explains that beginning Monday, grade 1s will eat lunch in the gym with the big kids. We discussed the lunch room rules before going home today, and I will personally get my students settled at their lunch table on Monday. You can help with this transition by reviewing the lunch expectations that were sent home in the package of school forms, and which the children had to sign. Eating in the gym will allow us to keep our desks and floor a LOT cleaner, and will give the kids a break from being in one place for so long!

Some conversation starters for the weekend:
- What did you imagine today in your journal?
- What was one of the funny things in the book about "Si" (What if)
- What are you working on in art? What is the hardest part of making it so far?
- What is a "renardeau"? What happened in the book about the baby fox?
- What songs did you sing at school this week? Can you teach them to me?
- Can you really count from 15 to 1 in French???

Check back soon for more pictures!
Have a great weekend,