Monday 2 February 2015

So much mail!

Dear parents,
Next week it will be report card time again, and with it comes the opportunity for a formal interview. At this point in the year, interviews are by request. I think interviews are always a good idea, so I would be very happy to meet with anyone who would like to come in.

If you would like an interview at this time, please return the form you are receiving this evening with your top 2 time choices circled. Remember, you can always contact me via email or phone for a quick check-up or conversation, and I am usually available throughout the week for informal meetings at any point in the year, so just because we don't meet now, doesn't mean we can't meet later. Please get this form back to me by this Friday, Feb. 6 or ASAP. I will confirm your time next Tuesday.

Tonight you are also receiving the February Scholastic catalogues, January dictée and a permission form for our next field trip! On February 24th, we have arranged for most of the grade 1 and 2 classes to travel to the Bloor Hot Docs Cinema to watch a French movie. There is more information about the film on the information sheet - it should be really neat! If you would like to volunteer on the trip, please let me know on the form and I will confirm once all forms are in on February 12th.

Once again, we are in need of many newspapers for tomorrow's workshop. Please send in any old newspapers you have in case others can't find one. Thanks so much!

I think that's enough paperwork for a Monday.
See you soon,

PS - Regarding our dictées. This last one was the best yet! It seems like a lot of children have turned a corner - printing is more legible or smaller, everyone is really getting the hang of using lower-case letters within the sentence, and many students are spelling high frequency words, or words of the week, perfectly. There is not a single child who's writing I cannot make out, which is a credit to their sounding out skills!
At school right now we're talking about sentences (how we know where one begins and ends and how we can use our voices to respect punctuation) and we're paying close attention to letters that go "underground" (how do we use the lines properly for those letters). While I know that we are learning a lot at school, it is quite evident that you are working a lot at home as well and really reviewing the specific areas that you notice on the rubrics. You are making a HUGE difference! Thanks for your support!