Tuesday 17 February 2015

Summer Plans

I hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend. Today we welcomed our new Principal, Mme Robinson, to Dewson with some exciting radiator problems and leaky pipes. What a day! I'm looking forward to meeting her and showing off our awesome class!

Thanks for remembering about gymnastics today. Mme Mary Ann said that our class was the most prepared and cooperative of the day! There may even be an announcement about us tomorrow morning! We have gym on days 2 and 5, so our next class is Thursday. Please be prepared once again with shorts and a t-shirt under warm clothes.

It's crazy to be thinking about summer considering the weather lately, but I know this is the time that you're starting to make plans for the kids. My hope is that you'll find time for something French over the summer - we've already come such a long way, it would be a shame to let it get dusty over the summer. If you can keep up your reading routine, maybe review some sounds and words, that's enough for me. I did have several parents ask about camps though, so I just want to draw your attention to the list of links to the left. These are just ideas that have been passed on to me. I don't know much about them, but it might be something to look into if you're interested in doing a French camp. If you know of another good French program, please let me know so I can add it. Hope this helps!

Words of the Week
That crazy E again! We’ve learned about the accent aigu (é), now we have all the others.
è = E-accent grave
ê = E-accent circonflexe
ë = E-tréma
Any of these accents help the e make exactly the same sound as the French ‘es’ sound. Think of “les” or, in English, “best”. “-et” makes the same sound when it’s at the end of a word.
When it comes to all these accents, it can be tricky to remember which one goes which way. I like to act them out. I see the accent aigu as a plane taking off, or a salute. The accent grave looks like a plane landing. The accent circonflexe is like a little hat! Encourage your child to show you which accent the word needs by acting it out with their body!
mère, père, tête, juillet, la chèvre, 
après, violet, forêt
Bonus words: chère, frère

Here's one group playing our newest math game. We used Wizard dice, which go up well beyond 6, to practice adding numbers using counters and our "Faire 10" strategy.