Sunday 22 February 2015


A big Bravo goes out to the whole class for their behaviour Thursday when I was away finishing up my math course. Mme Diamond left a note saying that we have such a nice class and that everyone was so helpful, she couldn't choose just two people for the Bravos. I love getting positive feedback about our class - it feels like my birthday!

Friday we had another theme day. This one was all about sisters and families, in honour of Taisia and Evelyn who love love love their sisters and families! We began the day by finishing up our paper family chains which we have been working on throughout the week.

For science, we started reading the story of the 3 little pigs and then discussed the materials they built their houses with. We are still working on completing our building experiment to decide which material would keep our families safest.

In math, we had the challenge of finding the combined age of at least 3 members of our families. Because the number often got quite big, we used a grouping by 10 strategy which allowed us to count by 10 and avoid counting upwards of 50 one-by-one. Ask your counter who's ages they added up and what their combined age was!
The mathematicians have been coming up with some great strategies for problem solving. So far we've been working only on addition, but we'll be doing some subtraction too. Here's a game we played to practice a "Doubles" strategy. If we know some basic facts, like what numbers make 10 and our doubles, we can use this to help us in more challenging questions. In this game, there are 2 of every number from 1 - 10. Play the game just like a memory game. If you turn up doubles, add the numbers!

We had another piano lesson recently. This time we learned our first song: Hot Crossed Buns. For this song we need fingers 1, 2 and 3. Everyone did really well! Ask your musician to play it for you on the air piano!

In other music news, I am excited to share that our turn in Primary Choir is starting soon! Rehearsals will be every day 3, period 3. Because this is during instructional time, we have decided that everyone in the class should participate. From what I've seen (random outbursts into song), I don't think any member of my class will be upset that they have to go. Plus, having everyone there means I can go with them and sing along. The first rehearsal will be this Friday and we will continue every day 3 until the concert, which is April 30th. Save the date! 

Words of the Week
Last week we learned of 4 more ways to make the French ‘es’ sound. This week we have another 2 ways. ‘ai’ and ‘ais’ make the very same sound. Included in this list are some I (Je) statements. Encourage your child to write 5 sentences beginning with each one. E.g., 1. J’aime le lait. 2. J’aime les chiens.

j’aime, lait, l’air, je vais, je fais, je sais, 

maison, mais 

Bonus words: il fait, partenaire

Another reminder that this week we have gymnastics on Tuesday and Thursday, so please remind your athlete about their special outfit. Tuesday morning is also our trip to see Tante Hilda so please be sure your student is right on time for school. Students may give a water bottle or juice box to their parent chaperone to carry for them during the trip. Thanks!