Monday 5 January 2015

Welcome back!

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday! I missed our class and am looking forward to getting back to our routines and to some exciting new projects in the second half of the year!

Things to look forward to in 2015 include opening up our piano, reading buddies, a visit from a scientist, a field trip to watch a French movie, Mme Mary Ann's very exciting gymnastics unit, participating in Mr. Greene's choir and the spring concert, the Dance-a-thon and lots more!

This morning, we were thrilled to find that Santa found us at Dewson! He brought us a new bin of blocks, just like we asked for. He also answered our question about his age... somewhere between the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, he thinks. I am also very happy to deliver 9 brand new books for our class, thanks to some of your generous Christmas gifts. It's always exciting to add new books to the shelves - keeps the kids interested!

We are quickly getting back to what we were doing before the break, which includes finishing up our Science unit on Daily & Seasonal Changes, writing an independent letter to a loved one using our success criteria and completing the art project (the Klee face) that we started. In math we are ready to move on to Data Management (my favourite unit) and learn about collecting, sorting and presenting data in a graph. Of course, we're continuing with our borrow-a-book program, so please keep sending in all the books you currently have. We're also continuing with our words of the week and our language centres.

Before the break, we were introduced to the sound ‘en’, which can also look like ‘em’. Well, there are two more ways to make this same sound: ‘an’ and ‘am’.
“Maman” was a bonus word in September, but now we have the tools to be able to catch that final syllable. Again, search for this sound (and others) before starting to read a book. See if it’s in a word you already know or that you can sound out. That way, when you get there, you’ll be able to read more fluidly.
maman, grand, enfant, dans, janvier
Bonus words: le camping, avant

Finally, I was surprised and delighted that several of you were interested in hearing me sing at the church. I know there were a couple families that couldn't make it last time, so I'll let you know that there is another Bach Vespers service this coming Sunday evening beginning at 7pm. This one (Cantata #71) isn't as exciting, in my opinion, but I do have some solo bits. Church of the Redeemer is at Avenue & Bloor, across from the ROM and it should be over around 8pm. No tickets needed, just an offering during the service.