Monday 12 January 2015

Les mots etc.

Dear parents,

I heard from many students that they practiced their air-piano over the weekend, and that they took breaks in between practising (good for the brain!). Thanks for your encouragement! Today we began learning a song that hopefully we can perform at the spring concert. It's a long sing, so we'll see how it goes. Ask your singer to tell you what happens in the song.

Today we started learning how to conduct a survey (un sondage) so that we can gather our own data for future graphs. Ask your student how they do this, and what question they asked their friends today.

We also took a look at some diagrams that I found online or in the newspaper. It's good to see how diagrams are used in real life and all the different ways they can be presented. A fun activity would be to do a newspaper treasure hunt for diagrams with your child. If you find one, explain what it's about and help them interpret the data. Let them know exactly how that information is helpful to you. Good places to look are the sports, weather and business sections. Have fun!

Les Mots de la Semaine
We are now going to start increasing the number of words per week until we reach 10.
This week we have the sound ‘ui’. We’re all familiar with this sound because of one of the first words we ever learned, “oui” (=yes). It sounds just like the word “we” in English.
It is common to see students write “je swi” for “je suis”. This is exactly how it sounds, and they’re using what they know about the letter w, so it’s all good. Because “je suis” is so frequently used, we’ll start correcting it in our writing now so that we get in the good habit of spelling it correctly.

oui, huit, puis, fruit, je suis
Bonus words: juillet, cuillère