Monday 19 January 2015

Recommended Concert

Dear music lovers,

Every year the Toronto Symphony Orchestra offers several Young People's Concerts, specifically designed for younger listeners. Since our class is so well-behaved during assemblies, and seems to love all the music they do with Mr. Greene and I, I thought this might be something they would enjoy. If possible, I will try to take the whole class to see a performance later in the year, but I wanted to let you know about one that is coming up very soon.

In early February, there is a Young People's concert featuring the piano. Since we are beginning to have some lessons at school, this could be very inspiring. The concert will also feature Saint-Saëns's The Carnival of the Animals, which is a very fun, kid-friendly piece that I hope to use in the class this year. I highly recommend getting tickets to this concert if you can! You can find more information on the TSO website.