Tuesday 7 October 2014

Words of the week

I missed the kids the last 2 days! I was in Alberta for a family wedding, but was thinking of them the whole time. I know they were in great hands. We talked about significant events in our lives last week, and I told them that I was going to a wedding, so I'm sure they'll be curious to hear about my trip. Here's a picture they can have a look at. I wonder if they can figure out who everyone is...

We have more i words this week, and in addition, a few y’s, which make the same sound. Keep making flashcards with pictures and underlining. “Y” doesn’t look like it should be a word, but it actually is, though the rules around using it can get complicated. Your student will see it often used, and use it, in the common phrase “il y a”. Note: In the word “famille”, the final ‘lle’ are not really heard. They add a bit of a “ye” sound I guess, but for your practice purposes, it would be better to not pronounce them at all, then to add a regular L sound. :)

Words: y, bicyclette, fini, petit, famille
Bonus words: stylo, pizza