Wednesday 22 October 2014

We Scare Hunger!

Dear families,

The Me-to-We club at Dewson is running a food drive this week and next. Our class is going to see if we can fill a box with non-perishable donations. Yesterday we talked about what kinds of foods don't go bad and would make healthy choices for people that need it. If you can contribute, that would be great.

I think I mentioned last week that we had been working on personal calendars in math (as part of our measurement unit). I am sending these home today with the hope that your child will be able to keep using it to keep him/herself organized. As we learn about upcoming dates (such as when the monthly Scholastic is due, appointments or family gatherings), they can be added to the calendar and it can be posted in your child's room, or appropriate spot in your home. You can also ask your child to add regular reminders, such as dictée every Tuesday and library every day 4. I think you're never too young to learn to use a calendar, I don't know where I'd be without mine!
Completing all 12 months of the calendar (finishing the numbering, adding symbols to represent days of significance and creating some seasonal art) was a huge task and took us over a week of math periods and still we could make more improvements. I encouraged many students to correct some of their backwards numbers, but in looking through them again, I didn't catch them all. Please feel free to point out any backwards numbers to your mathematician so that he/she can correct them and practice the correct way.

This week, we are looking at sequencing in math. We practiced the terms premier, deuxième, troisième etc., which many students already knew. We then worked in groups (really well) to put story cards in the right order and each member of the group participated in telling their assembled story to the class, in French and using the terms we had practiced. Tomorrow we have a special day planned and everyone will get to create their own story in 4 pieces.

Don't forget that Friday morning is our first art workshop. We've never gotten particularly messy, but Donnely suggests wearing old clothes, just in case.

Talk to you soon,