Thursday 23 October 2014

Bienvenue à notre château!

We had our second exciting theme day today. This one was dedicated to Anna, who loves princesses, and Evey, who loves horses.
To celebrate, our class was decorated with some beautiful fabrics and I had my pretty princess crown on. During reading time, we had some special library books about horses and similar animals, and princess-related things like castles and knights.
During French and Math time, we worked on a story in 4 parts, but today instead of assembling a pre-made story, we wrote our own based on 4 princess, prince and horse pictures. Each writer put the pieces in the order he/she wanted and wrote a sentence about each picture to tell the story. We exchanged stories with partners to see if we could guess the order of their pictures. Hopefully you can play this game at home as well. Ask your writer to tell you the story using the story cards!

In the afternoon, we learned how to play a kid version of horseshoes (lancer les fers de cheval). We had les Chevaux versus les Princes et Princesses. It was a tight game, 5-4 for the Royals. Everyone had fun and won a little prize.

Finally, we read a story about a knight who loves a princess but has a problem getting to know her... ask for details!