Monday 26 November 2012

Happy Monday! Here are a few notes as we begin the week. Please scroll down to see some pictures from the field trip!

Pizza forms and T-shirt orders are due TOMORROW!

The new words of the week are as follows. We have not made flashcards at school this time, but I highly recommend that as one of your first at-home activities!
mardi, lu, vu, en, il

This week we are beginning our first Social Studies unit. We will be discussing relationships, rules & responsibilities in the home, school and community. We will be reviewing the rules that we established for our classroom at the beginning of the year, the rules we needed to follow to stay safe on our trip, the rules we were asked to follow at the nature centre, and other rules that are posted for the general public (for example, street signs). This unit is an easy one for you to engage your child in, as it applies to our life both in and out of school. I'm quite certain you have already done a lot of work on this subject in your own home.
Today students are going to tell me about some rules that they have to follow in their homes. It would be interesting if you could share with your child a rule that YOU had to follow when you were growing up. For example, my dad had to sit at his kitchen table until he cleared his plate, even if he didn't like what he had to eat. My brothers and I always thought that was SO strict! Also, what was one of your responsibilities or chores at home?

I'm also looking for some volunteers to help me prepare the materials for some holiday art. If you have some time in the next week or two, that would be awesome! Thanks! (

Have a great week,