Tuesday 21 February 2017

What we're up to!

Hi Salle 211 families,

I hope you all had a lovely family day weekend! It was great meeting with many parents last week, sharing our special work and reviewing the goals we have all set. Many students have already earned multiple stars on their goal sheets! Those were our last formal interviews for the year, but as always, please feel free to contact me at any time if you'd like to chat or get ideas for how to keep things working through the summer.

This week our school has a couple Black History month events, including a presentation this morning and an assembly Thursday morning. Please ask your child about these discussion-worthy events. We've also read the story of Viola Desmond together, so your child can tell you about her life and her experience with segregation back in the 1940s.

This week, we're going to work hard to finish up our procedural writing by reviewing our practice rubrics and making the appropriate corrections to our completed instructions before handing them in. 

In math, we are almost ready to finish up our first geometry unit. Using a Venn diagram, students have discovered the characteristics of many shapes and learned how to draw rectangles and squares that have perfectly square corners, as they should be (coins carrés). We are now working on creating and identifying symmetrical shapes using a mira tool. Please ask your mathematician what this amazing tool does and how it differs from a regular mirror!

In grade 1 science, we are wrapping up our structures unit by using what we've learned in all our experiments to build a boat that will (hopefully) float. The scientists worked very impressively today with their partners to draw a detailed plan of how their boat will look, what it will be made of, and who will build what. Can't wait to see these plans come to life on Friday!

These are some old pictures of when we built houses for the 3 little pigs (straw, wood, bricks), and tested them with the fan. Probably due to our various connectors and good building techniques, they all survived the wind test!

I haven't taken a picture of our Le Coq by Picasso recreations since many of you got to see them last week, but if you haven't, please do stop by. They are so great that the grade 3 classes were inspired to do a variation on the same project!

Mots de la Semaine
That crazy E again! We’ve learned about the accent aigu (é), now we have all the others.
è = E-accent grave
ê = E-accent circonflexe
ë = E-tréma
Any of these accents help the e make exactly the same sound as the French ‘es’ sound. Think of “les” or, in English, “best”. “-et” makes the same sound when it’s at the end of a word.
When it comes to all these accents, it can be tricky to remember which one goes which way. I like to act them out. I see the accent aigu as a plane taking off, or a salute. The accent grave looks like a plane landing. The accent circonflexe is like a little hat! Encourage your child to show you which accent the word needs by acting it out with their body!
Grade 1: mère, père, tête, juillet, la chèvre, après, violet, forêt
Bonus words: chère, frère
Grade 2: la règle, Noël, poulet, violet, forêt

Finally, here's what our card exchange looked like on Valentine's Day. We delivered our mail to each others' decorated bags. It was super cute!