Monday 13 February 2017

Reports & Interviews

Dear parents,

Thanks to everyone who returned their interview request form. Your confirmation was sent home today. It's small and pink. Students were instructed to give them directly to you!
If you can no longer make your interview time, please email me ASAP and we will reschedule. I assume that if you did not return the form, you do not feel the need for an interview at this time. If you change your mind, or would like a quick check up over the phone, please let me know and we'll work it out. It's never too late!

Please be prompt when you come for your interview. I will try to be very mindful of the time so that you can be on time for your other appointments and get on with your evening! Students know that they are invited to their interview, and they have each chosen a special piece of work that they would like to share with you.

Reports come home tomorrow. As always, I will be talking to students about some important report card etiquette. Here's what we will discuss:
1. Only open your report card envelope with a parent or guardian (not with a sibling, alone or on the bus).
2. Do not share your report card with friends. Everyone has different strengths and everyone is doing lots of things well. Comparing marks never makes anyone feel good.
3. Try not to put too much emphasis on letter grades. Yes, marks are important and are a quick guide to how a child is progressing, however, everyone progresses at a different rate. A 'C' is not a bad thing at all, and an 'A' never means you are done learning. Please give more of your attention to the comments I have written. I have taken great care to explain the exact areas where students can continue to work in order to be even more successful.
4. Finally, remember that it is hard to progress academically without excellent learning skills. Please discuss this part of the report card in depth with your child. Please select one area (learning skill or otherwise) to set as a goal for improvement over the coming months. We will do a goal setting activity this week so it will be helpful to have thought this over ahead of time. Thanks!!

Tomorrow is also Valentines Day. I reminded the kids to bring their cards, if they are making them, and of course, if they are, to make one for everyone. We will have a chance to distribute these at the end of what will be a very busy day!

Mots de la Semaine
This week we are back to the sound, ‘é’. In November, I mentioned that there were other ways to make this sound. They are ‘-er’ and ‘-ez’, but only when they fall at the end of a word, not within (even at the end there are plenty of exceptions). This week you may want to play a sneaky game of -er v. -re. It is not uncommon, at this stage, to confuse the order of letters that form a sound, but ‘er’ and ‘re’ are two completely different sounds. Challenge your writer to find the mistakes in the words you’ve written (end some words with ‘re’ instead of ‘er’)!
Grade 1: déjeuner, février, chez, aller, manger, vous avez, visiter
Bonus words: vous allez, jouer
Grade 2: déjeuner, février, chez, manger, 
vous avez