Monday 27 February 2017


First, a quick reminder that the pink ArtsFest permission forms are due Wednesday!

Words of the Week
Last week we learned of 4 more ways to make the French ‘es’ sound. This week we have another 2 ways. ‘ai’ and ‘ais’ make the very same sound. Included in this list are some I (Je) statements. Encourage your child to write 5 sentences beginning with each one. E.g., 1. J’aime le lait. 2. J’aime les chiens.
Grade 1: j’aime, lait, l’air, je vais, je fais, je sais, maison, mais
Bonus words: il fait, partenaire

Grade 2 students are adding one last way to make the very same sound: ei.
Grade 2: j’aime, lait, je vais, reine, neige

In particular, I'd like to highlight the word j'aime for both grade 1s and grade 2s. Over the next couple weeks, we are going to be learning to write some persuasive answers to questions. To do this, we will learn to begin by stating our preference and then giving some compelling reasons for our decision. The word j'aime will be very useful in answering questions involving personal preference so let's all try to memorize it in order to ease our sounding out in the next couple weeks.
This morning, students already wrote an answer to whether they prefer vegetables or dessert. Ask them how they answered and what their reasons were!!

Last week, the grade 1 scientists completed construction of the boat they had planned. Everyone worked very well together, followed their plan and created a floating boat! To add to our success, we used some amazing teamwork skills to come up with a fair way to decide who keeps the boat. It is really lovely to see the kids working and compromising so kindly with each other. We'll finish up a couple things and then switch back to Social Studies.