Tuesday 14 June 2016

Pictures & update!

What a fun bike rodeo! Our class did such a great job practising their skills, maneuvering in the courses without crashing and especially sharing bikes with those who were not able to bring one. Thanks for practising the locking and unlocking - it was quick and painless!

Last week we began working on book reports with our clubs de lecture. Each group was given a book at their level to read together and write about. Ask your reader what book they read with their group and what happens at the beginning, middle and end.
All of our authors have now read their original story to the class. We will have them on display for you next Friday and hope you will ask for a personal reading during your tour!

In math, we've been using our probability terms in lots of different games. Monday we set up 7 probability centres which we rotated through with lots of help from our awesome grade 6 teachers. The games included flipping a coin, rolling dice, choosing cards from a deck, drawing names in a lottery, choosing the right door in a game show, a spinner game and considering the chances of winning in 'Roll up the Rim to Win'! Ask your predictor which game they likes best and what it involved. Maybe you can play it together when you visit!

Words of the Week
This week we are formally being introduced to the present of the verb avoir (to have). We use this verb every day and know what it should sound like. For example, students know that “Nous a du travail à faire” sounds weird, and that it should be “Nous avons...”. This week, work on spelling the verb correctly and making up sentences that start with each person. You can substitute proper names for il and elle. E.g., Elle a les cheveux bruns. Tamara a les cheveux bruns.

j’ai, tu as, il a, elle a, on a, 
nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont