Sunday 13 December 2015

One busy week left!

Hi families!
This is it! Last week before the break. It promises to be a very busy one. Here is a quick overview:

- assorted parent-teacher meetings
- please return your report envelope for re-use next time (keep the report!)

- Words of the Week

- Nature Centre permission forms due
- Hearing/Vision clinic @ Dewson for those that registered
- Library
- Show & Tell

- Dance workshop in AM @ Dewson (make sure kids are dressed for movement)

Dance workshop in AM @ YMCA (still need parents to walk us back and forth!!)
- PJ day (make sure kids can still dance or wear dance clothes in AM and bring PJs for PM)
- Everything goes home (let me know if you need school shoes to come home over the break)
- Please do not send treats to share. It will be a fun day and students will each receive a little gift from me. That will be enough.

In other news...
I mentioned last week that we had started learning about how to write a nice letter. We used our letter to Santa to identify 5 important parts of a letter and we noted these on our success criteria chart. Our next task was to work with a partner to write a letter to a teacher in our school. We sent letters to Mme Robinson, Mme Faraone, Mr. Greene, Mr. Ginestier, Mme Gaudreault, Mme Abbat and Mlle J. We made sure we said something nice before asking a question. Please ask your writer who they and their partner wrote to and what they said. We have had written responses from 3 teachers already, and some others answered our questions in person. How exciting!

This week, though we will be busy, I hope to have each student write their own letter to a family member or friend. The holidays are a fitting time to send greetings to loved ones that we don't often get a chance to see. On Monday, we will think about who we would each like to write to and begin writing our letters. By Wednesday or Thursday, we should be ready for envelopes and we will need addresses. I will send home a little paper for you to fill-in with the address of the person your child has decided to write to. Please make sure these are returned to school by Wednesday so that we can address our envelopes and get our letters mailed before the break. Hopefully we will receive more letters back! Don't you love mail that isn't bills??

Words of the Week
If the ‘on sound is ever forgotten, show your student a picture of a candy and it’ll come right back! Then you can say “C’est bon!” (Good stuff!)
This is another sound that doesn’t exist in English. The easiest thing is probably to ask your child to teach it to you. Ask them how to say “no” or “candy” in French. To describe it in English, say the word “on” with your lips closed almost all the way, and don’t close to the ‘n’. You’ll feel it in the back of your throat. This sound can also be written as ‘om’.
bonbon, mon, ton, non, nom
Bonus words: bon, son