Wednesday 25 November 2015

Words of the Week

Hi parents,

We had a great day today!

Students extended on a rhyme that we learned by writing in their journals about an animal or person that goes up the hill (like in the poem). Some of the children who celebrate Hanukkah told us about the menorah, and we started making our own stained-glass menorahs. We also learned about a new kind of pattern: a growing pattern (suite croissante), where the rule is not what part repeats, but what is added each time to make the pattern grow. Ask your mathematician to show you a growing pattern!

At the end of the day we finished learning the moves to our new dance - a rap. I got half of it on video before I ran out of memory...

Today, most children are bringing home an envelope with a receipt for your snack & trip payment made to the school in September. If you have not yet submitted this payment, please consider whether you are able to do so in the near future. We do have a field trip coming up in January. Thanks!

Words of the Week
This week we are reviewing the sound, ‘é’. E-accent aigu is like an entirely separate, extra, vowel in the French alphabet. You can think of the sound ‘ay’ in English, as in “May”. In addition to é words, I would like everyone to memorize the words “j’ai” (= I have, or sometimes, I am) and et” (= and). They sound like é even though they don’t look like it, and we use these words all the time.

éléphant, bébé, école, *j’ai*, *et*
Bonus words: année, idée