Friday 12 June 2015

Bike Rodeo

Wow, what a day! I think students had a great time skipping and we had some good luck with the weather - we only lost 15 minutes to rain - it could have been a lot worse! Sorry I didn't get pictures of our class, my phone was busy being the music instead of a camera! In the morning, our students were very helpful and worked through a checklist of things to get done all on their own while I was busy with the event. A massive thank you as well to the many Area 24 parents who came to help. I could not have done it without you!

Our next fun event is a bike rodeo next Tuesday morning. There will be different stations and some police officers on hand to help us learn about bike safety. If your child has a bicycle, this would be a good day to have them bring it to school. If possible, teach your child how to unlock it so that they can use it during our bike rodeo time. I will take the class around to where the bikes are locked up to retrieve them and will see that they get locked back up again afterwards. Our time is 10:45-11:45am. I'm sure you'd be welcome to come if you like.

This afternoon, we ran through our songs for the concert, and we are sounding lovely. Everything is coming together. We can't wait to welcome you in one week! It is quite important that students are at school all day every day next week as we prepare for Friday. Of course, we want them to stay healthy, so keep them home if they're sick, but please try to limit other appointments if you can. Thanks!