Thursday 26 March 2015


Hi parents,
Today the social skills rubric for March is coming home. We did an obstacle course in class where one person from each team had to guide a blindfolded member through the obstacles in French and also in a whisper voice. Speaking quietly has been something we have been discussing in class a lot recently, so it was a goal for this challenge. The other two goals were to participate, and say sorry often and for no reason! In our obstacle course, if anyone bumped into anything, everyone involved had to say sorry (even if it was just to a chair). We're trying to remember that saying sorry doesn't mean we're in trouble, or have done anything wrong. It doesn't hurt us at all, but often makes someone else feel a lot better. Definitely something we all need to work on doing.
Tomorrow you will receive the dictée rubric for March.

Today we learned to play Sudoku! It is one of our new math games and definitely a fun challenge. We're beginning with a beginner version that only uses the numbers 1 - 4. Ask your mathematician to tell you what you have to do in Sudoku and what math games they played today.

In science, we've made a neat display that shows lots of things that need energy in order to work or move, and we've connected them to their energy source. Ask your student to name a few things that move or that need to be turned on and where they get their energy. 

Please keep collecting and sending in your washed styrofoam trays. We need lots more!