Thursday 5 March 2015


A quick reminder that Friday is Area 24's redo of  "Carnaval". We will be outside for most of the afternoon, so please make sure your child has all their outdoor wear.

We are still collecting items for next week's garage sale. If your child has not chosen an item to donate, they can still bring one in Monday. It would be much appreciated. Thank you!!

Thursday was a very special day at Dewson. You may have read or heard about a little boy named Sebastian in the news. He is a former Dewson student who, yesterday, was undergoing surgery to remove a tumor from his brain. His wish was for his mother to feel supported while he was in surgery by receiving lots of hugs. His message has travelled far and wide. As a class, we talked through Sebastian's story and made some pipe cleaner people who are hugging - a craft we heard that Sebastian also likes to do. Thursday morning, our class class did some group hugs, and we took some pictures to put in a scrapbook for Sebastian. Last I heard he had come out of surgery and is doing well. I hope your child had a chance to explain this craft to you, and gave you an extra hug tonight! Happy give-a-hug day!

Recently, in language, we have been working on writing procedures. We began by writing one as a group, explaining how to get dressed to go outside. Then, with a partner, we worked on writing some instructions that would help a kindergarten student know what they have to do in grade 1. Some ideas were, "How to get ready for school", "How to read a book" and "How to go to the washroom". All the writers worked very independently to brainstorm the necessary materials and steps. At the end, they also included a final bit of advice, like one typically finds in instructions.
This is also the first time we have really focused on revising our own writing. I circled just a few words in each rough copy that I wanted the writers to correct, either using the resources in the room, or with my help. In their good copies, they made these corrections and were careful to copy the rest in neat printing. Thursday morning, I met with each group to go over their rubric for this project. They know what they did well, and what they can work on improving in their independent project, which we have just begun. I sent this rubric home Thursday evening for you to check out. The project itself is not attached, as it is up on our bulletin board. See below! You'll notice a couple categories are crossed off on this rubric. This is because the writers were working with a partner, so I didn't want to give an individual mark for sounding out or printing. However, these will be things that I look for in our next, individual, project.

Finally, here are a few of the watercolour paintings inspired by the movie Tante Hilda.