Thursday 15 May 2014

Walking excursion - help needed!

Dear families,
I have received almost all of the RSVPs for our open-house. Thank you. We do have a very big crowd scheduled to come in the morning, and a small audience for the afternoon. If you were planning to come in the morning, but would be able to come in the afternoon, please let me know. Thank you SO much! If you cannot change your plans, don't worry, we still want you all to come!

The following important note is coming home today. Please email me ASAP if you can come along! This is not the Foodshare trip, just an afternoon stroll in the community!

Upcoming Walking Excursion for Aire 24

Dear Parents,
For the next few weeks we will be working on a social studies unit about communities. We will be discussing and investigating what makes a community (buildings, people, services, outdoor spaces etc.) and how everyone contributes to creating a community. As part of this unit, I would like to take Area 24 on a community walk. We will walk along College Street from Ossington Ave. to Montrose Ave. and back, taking note of the buildings and services we pass so that we can use this information for an exciting class project.
At the beginning of the school year, all families submitted a walking excursion permission form, which allows me to take the class on walking trips in our neighbourhood. There is no further form to sign before this excursion. Our walk will take place next Thursday May 22 at 1pm. We will need 2 parents to accompany us to make sure we stay safe. We will take about one hour of your time. If you’re available, please email me promptly at (don’t forget the 2).

Thank you,

Tamara Mitchell