Tuesday 20 May 2014

Sweet students!

Merci, mes amis, pour la belle carte et pour m'avoir aidé à célébrer mon anniversaire!

Thank you, everyone, for the cards and even some gifts (all not necessary) for my birthday! It was very sweet!

Last week we began learning about how to write a persuasive answer to question. We know that our goal is to convince someone to share our opinion. To do this, we begin with a statement of our opinion, then we try to think of 3 good reasons, and finally we repeat our opinion at the end. This form is helpful for writing in general and will lead to some good paragraph writing in future grades. At the moment it is helping us become more aware of our majuscules and petits points! We have already answered questions such as:
Est-ce que l'école est important?
Preferes-tu les chats ou les chiens?
Est-ce que je devrais planter des légumes ou des fleurs dans mon jardin?
Pour mon anniversaire, est-ce que Mlle devrait manger un gâteau au chocolat, ou une tarte a la citrouille?
Ask your writer what they wrote to convince me of their opinion one way or the other.

Now that our fairy tales are complete, we have started reading them to each other during our end of day story time. You'll get to see all of the stories when you come to our open-house. Here's a teaser…
That was our Picasso art project. We're now learning a bit about Monet and Impressionism. Ask your artist what they know about Impressionism and what they're trying to show in their paintings.

What I'm most excited about at the moment is the project we are about to begin in social studies. We've already read and talked about what a community is, and this Thursday we will be going on our community walk. During our walk, we will be hunting for various places that we know a community may include. We will also be taking pictures of certain buildings/places that we are going to include in our very own class map that we will construct. More on this soon!
We still need one parent to come with us on our walk. Thursday from 1-2 pm. Please email me if you can come! Thanks a lot.

Here are the words of the week:
Je      (fille)
Il ou Elle
Je suis content(e).
Tu es content(e).
Il est content.
Je suis triste.
Tu es triste.
Il est triste.
Je suis fâché(e).
Tu es fâché(e).
Elle est fâchée.
Je suis calme.
Tu es calme.
Elle est calme.
Je suis fatigué(e).
Tu es fatigué(e).
Tamara est fatiguée.

Have a good one!