Wednesday 7 May 2014


Hello parents,

Thank you for all the boxes! We have more than enough now and have started building. On our first try we encountered some problems with the tape, which was not quite sticky enough to hold some of our cylinders, cones and spheres together. We'll continue working, maybe with plain old white glue next time!
Here's a picture of all the recycled materials we've collected this year and which are going into this project. Ask your builder to name the shapes they used in their construction project, beginning with the cereal box. By the way, I was impressed with the selection of cereals you sent in. Looks like Area 24 families are all incredibly healthy!

Thank you also for starting to return the RSVPs to our open-house. I have received just under half of the responses and every single one is for the morning. This is no problem so far, but if many of the families who have not yet responded also need to come in the morning, it will be quite crowded and hard to look around in the classroom. If you have not responded, or if you have but you are flexible, please consider whether you may be able to join us in the afternoon. That would really help us create an enjoyable atmosphere for our special day! Thanks in advance!

Now for a bit of not so nice news (I don't like to post this on our happy class blog, but it is the best way for me to communicate to everyone at once). This week, Area 24 students have been having an unusually hard time being respectful toward each other. The hardest times have been when we are lining up and going either outside, to another classroom, or returning to our class. I have seen students pushing each other in line, running in the hall to a different spot in the line, yelling in the hall, or even just leaning on the person beside them causing a domino effect. We have discussed this issue MANY times and we all agree that we know how to be respectful and what to do if there's a problem. Despite our conversations and some practising, it seems people are still being hurt or bothered during an activity that should be very safe. I think it would be worth taking a few minutes at home to discuss this and remind your student of what your expectations are for his/her behaviour at school. I'm sure this will make a big difference and we'll be back to our steady selves by the end of the week.
Thanks for your time and help with this.

I'll leave you with some sentences to practice. Enjoy!

The 10 reading sentences for the week beginning May 12th are:
J’ai les yeux bleus.
On a mangé le déjeuner.
Tu as mon crayon!
Nous avons fini notre travail.
Il a mal à la gorge.
Vous avez bien écouté.
Elle a une corde à sauter.
Ils ont lu 2 livres ensemble.
David a un chien.
Elles ont les cheveux longs.
