Tuesday 10 December 2013

Words of the Week

Here are the words that came home yesterday:
bon, fait, beau, maman, Noël

This week we will learn the sound "ui" (sounds like "we"). No big trick here, the u and the i still make their usual sounds, just really quickly together! We use this sound all the time in the word oui as well as in the words aujourd'huihuit (8), fruit, biscuit and cuillère (spoon).

These will be our last words and our last new sound for 2013 - we'll take next week off and resume first thing in January.

If possible, please attempt to work a little bit on reading and reviewing old words of the week over the break. I know it's a busy time, and the kids definitely deserve a break, but it's amazing how quickly we forget if we aren't practising every day! Just a little bit - that can be my present!

(Scroll down if you haven't seen the two messages from yesterday.)