Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hello Geometry!

For the rest of December, we will be working on identifying and sorting 2-dimensional shapes. We have already talked about attributes of lots of shapes, and we filled in some charts with the information we gathered. Ask your student what a polygon is! Is a square a polygon? Is a circle a polygon? Why, or why not? Ask your mathematician how many sides an octagon has. What is our trick to help remember this?

We spent some time this week labelling shape cards that we will use in the next few days to play some sorting games.

We're going to use shapes in some artwork as well. Our most recent art project is done and looks amazing. This project is modelled on artist Paul Klee's painting of a face that is made using geometrical shapes. We began our version by adding details to a face using only shapes.
Next, we coloured everything in using lots of fun colours and making sure to cover absolutely all of the paper.
After that, we painted over our hard work and let it dry. Finally, we scratched off most of the paint using wooden blocks. This gives the finished project an aged appearance and the face shows through just enough that you can tell what it is. I think they look very professional!