Monday 4 February 2013

The new words of the week (we're up to 8 now) are:

la table, le zoo, un éléphant, je joue,
le vent, le soleil, la boue, la maison

You'll notice we have started including the article (la, le, les) with the words. In French, every object has a gender (le/un = masculin, la/une = féminin). I remember my exchange partner describing what she thought was a perfect spoon by saying "she is perfect", which of course made no sense to us in English. For someone growing up in an English-speaking home, it is almost impossible to remember the gender of every word as there are few hard and fast rules, and many exceptions. The best way to learn is just through listening, reading and repetition, so please include the article in your practise!

Please read last Friday's post for some info on some cool things going on at school and in our class. Just to remind you, we have gym Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so we don't need our short shorts tomorrow, but the rest of the week we will. The gym is all set up and looks very exciting!

Many pianists are getting quite good at the 5-note scale. Soon they will try to learn their first song, using fingers 1, 2 and 3. The song is Hot Crossed Buns. Give it a sing at home just for fun!

That's it for right now but stay tuned, and please be on the lookout for your interview sign-up sheet which should be coming home in the next few days. Interviews are optional this time, and the report cards contain much more specific information on how your child is doing (as well as his/her next steps), however I always recommend an interview, so please consider yourself invited!