Friday 8 February 2013


I managed to sneak a few pictures of the kids using the gymnastics equipment. I was really impressed with what I saw, especially with how well they take a knee to listen for instructions at the end of the class. The kids are loving this unit, so I'm thrilled that they get another period next Wednesday.

In class, we have now found lots of good examples of words that contain the sound "on" (see list below). We have two sounds left to go, and then we will switch over to working more on the verbs we have to learn in grade 1. The trick will be to not forget the sounds we've worked so hard on, so please continue your review at home, and we will keep practising our reading skills at school too. We've been really talking a lot about using the pictures first to help us with hard words, and then sounding it out using our finger to break the word into 2 or 3 chunks. We can't forget to re-read the whole word after we've figured out the sounds! Repeating it helps the sounds form a word, and when it sounds like the word, we can usually understand what it means.

Here are some pictures of yesterday's workshop with Donnely. We learned about mixing colours and we mixed 12 colours using the 3 primary colours, plus 6 more using white. Then, we used a technique called "resist" where you draw something in oil pastel and then paint over it, and the paint rolls off the pastel. We had tried this technique earlier when we drew some crayon lines in white and painted over them, but it turns out that pastels work a lot better!

Today we had a VERY exciting afternoon because we finally got to decorate gingerbread men to go along with the instructions we all wrote for how to eat one! Look at these fantastic booklets hanging in our class!

Obviously, the smart thing to do would have been to send home the writing assignment on the same day as the cookie so that your child could read it to you and eat it at the same time. However, I want to have the booklets here for your interviews since it's a great piece of work for us to talk about. Therefore, I've given your child the job of explaining to you each part of the gingerbread man, in French, as they eat it (e.g., "Je mange la tête. Je mange le glaçage.").
I've also included the recipe in their baggie, and the kids know that they need your permission to eat the cookie at all, since they are homemade.

Finally, I am still waiting for just a few green interview forms. Please get it back to me Monday so that I can try to give you a time you want. Thanks for making it to school today!