Friday 22 February 2013

J'ai des devoirs!

Dear families,

Every student has a teeny bit of homework for the weekend! In our parent-teacher interviews, many of us discussed that a next step for our writing would be to use capitals appropriately, and use lower-case letters for the majority of our writing. Our conversations motivated me to work on this quite a bit this week. We corrected my mistakes in our morning messages and discussed using capitals to start a sentence and for our names. Yesterday and today we worked on a worksheet involving finding and correcting more of my mistakes. The writers have already (or have almost) corrected my first 5 sentences, but I gave them one bonus that I wanted them to save for home. I thought maybe you'd like to watch them do one, or help them review what we've been working on. It's still a challenge for some, but we'll keep working on it. (The worksheet does not need to be returned, so you can do it whenever you have a spare 5 minutes).

Another thing that came up in a couple interviews was that students have not always been bringing their library books home, or that their books are too difficult. I have spoken to our lovely librarian, who is with the kids when they select their books, and she is going to try to make sure that everyone has at least one book at their level, and then another book of their choice. We're also going to try to put them in our bags right away, rather than in our bin. Hopefully this way they come home every week. Library is now on Fridays, so next Friday (or before) is when they should return the books they took today.

I have also sent home some art that has come off the walls and the March Scholastic package. Orders are due next Friday.

Next Tuesday, students are invited to bring in $1 or $2 to donate to a charity, and in exchange, they can wear their hats in school all day! Craziness! See Dewson Blog for more details.

Have a good weekend,