Monday 17 December 2012

Last week!

Wow! I can't believe the holidays are here already - this year is flying by!

Here are a few things to ask about this week!

Today we are going to the vision & hearing clinic. If your child was registered, ask him/her what kinds of tests they had to do! I anticipate you will receive a note sometime soon if there are any concerns.

In language, we have a new sound: 'ç'. The curvy thing under the c is called a cédille, so we call 'ç' a c-cédille. The cédille makes the normally hard 'c' sound like an 's', as in "garçon". We'll keep hunting for more words that use this letter and I'll post a picture later.
Our new words of the week are:

bon, fait, beau, maman, Noël

In math, I will be guiding students through a fairly advanced graphing project. Today, students will come up with their own question and choices that their friends will choose from, for example, Est-ce que tu préfères les chats ou les chiens? Then they will ask 10 friends (hopefully in French) to select their answer and note the results in a chart. Later this week, they will use this information to fill in a bar graph and do their best to present it in a visually appealing way. If we have time, we will also look at a couple pictographs and figure out how to read this type of diagram. Ask your child about their graphing project! What question did they ask and which answer was the most popular?

This week we will also be finishing up our puppet shows of what friends do together, and also using the puppets to show how to solve a problem with a friend.

Some of the primary classes at Dewson will be having a pyjama day on Friday. Students in area 24 are invited to wear their PJs to school if they wish. In the afternoon we will have a small holiday celebration. If you would like to send juice or a snack, that's ok so long as it's store bought and clearly marked nut-free. There is no need to contribute anything, I will provide a little treat for everyone.

Please don't feel that you need to get me a gift for Christmas. Teachers are thinking of a way that parents can contribute to a charity in lieu of gifts, so you may receive information about this in the near future. However, if you do wish to give me a gift, maybe think of something that our whole class could use. I often spend my own money on French books, Kleenex, paper towels, pencils, erasers, pencil crayons etc. Thanks!
