Thursday 13 December 2012

3 ways to make 'é'

Dear parents,

Yesterday your student wrote a French letter to the Père Noël (actually, we copied the letter we wrote as a group the other day). I have already made photocopies and mailed them all to the North Pole in one big envelope. I thought you would like to see your child's writing, so I've sent home the original. Enjoy!

This week we have tackled another common French sound - 'é'. There are three main ways to spell this sound, "é" (e accent aigu) being the main one. But while "é" sounds like 'ay' all the time, "er" and "ez" also make the 'ay' sound when they come right at the end of a word (see examples below). We have already started trying to use 'é' in our writing when sounding out! Here are some words we found in our books today...
You may notice that all of the words on our 'er' list are verbs in their infinitive form. They can also end with 'é' when written in the passé composé tense (see "mangé"). I didn't even try to explain this, but just said that it can appear both ways depending on the sentence, and it sounds the same.

Did I mention that we made puppets to use in Social Studies? I think so. Well, we started making up short skits today and we had a couple presentations. The skits are based on activities that friends do together. Some ideas were play tag, play hide and seek, sing and dance... These are great ideas for recess (hint hint)!
Here are our Christmas stockings all sewn up and decorated! Thanks to the family members who helped us with the complicated crafts and me with the prep work to get all the material ready. All the holiday crafts will definitely come home by the end of next week!

(PS - So sorry about the fuzzy pictures... some day I'll upgrade!)