Monday 29 October 2012

Words of the Week – Les Mots de la Semaine

Dear parents,

Today I am sending home a letter explaining the Word of the Week program that several grade 1 classes are starting. It shouldn't take up much of your time - just a few minutes of practise each evening will make a big difference. Of course, if you would like to do more with the words, you can get as creative as you like. Hangman, for instance, is a great game for learning new words!
Today we made flashcards for our 5 words. They should be in the yellow folder, and the kids know that they should ask you to help them practise by showing the cards. We may not always do this with future words, but I encourage you to make them at home as one of your first practise activities!

Here is the note:

In grade 1, children learn to read by using different strategies, but eventually very familiar words used pretty much on a daily basis will be instantly recognizable whether they are in context or out. You can support your child by asking them to review the words with you (on flashcards, a chalkboard, tracing them in flour etc.). We will begin with 5 words a week. These are words we have already practiced at school.

The 5 reading words for the week beginning October 29th are:

le, la, les, un, une

If you have any questions about the word of the week program, please don’t hesitate to email me!

Thanks so much for your support,