Thursday 18 October 2012

Lice Checks!

Hi parents,

As many of you know, we have a bit of a lice situation going on in Area 24. I even had them check my hair today just to make sure!

A couple days I sent home a sheet with specific instructions for the proper removal of the eggs. Look for this sheet in your child's yellow folder. To clarify, it is not enough to do the chemical shampoo only. Eggs must be carefully removed by hand. You can purchase special combs at the drugstore that help with this. Students are only permitted back to school once the eggs have been removed.

We ask that any child who is sent home with lice visit the office upon return to school. They are keeping track of all our lice patients! This means that if your child came home today, and you do the treatment tonight and think you got it all, you will need to go to the office tomorrow when you bring them to school. I know this is an inconvenience, but better to know when you drop them off than get another call later!

Be sure to wash pillow cases and check all family members, including yourselves! Believe me, I'm checking my hair constantly!

Thanks so much for your understanding and cooperation!