Thursday 18 October 2012

Chat & Chew suggestions...

Happy Friday everyone! One more quick update before the weekend.

We have now looked carefully at three different ways to make the 'o' (oh) sound. Of course, 'o', as in "mot", works. In addition, you can make the same sound using 'au', as in "aujourd'hui", and 'eau', as in "bateau". We found lots of examples of words with the 'o' sound during our reading. We also looked ahead to a future sound and discovered that when paired with u, o doesn't have the same sound anymore (e.g., jour = oo). Here are our 'o' words sorted into the 3 spelling categories:

We recently finished another art project, now on display beside our classroom. This time we explored different kinds of lines, including straight, diagonal, zigzag, wavy, dotted etc. After drawing lines with either white or coloured wax crayons, we painted over the whole paper and the crayon lines appeared like magic!

Here are our new artists of the month. Who made these?

This weekend, ask about how the sun helps us and what happened to our shadow when we drew it in the morning and in the afternoon? How does a thermometer work, can you count backwards from 20 using a calendar to help, what are the three ways to make the 'o' sound, what types of mistakes has Mlle been making in the morning message, and what did you write in your "Day of the Week Journal" for Saturday??

Bonne fin de semaine!