Tuesday 4 April 2017


Dear parents,

Some little additions to yesterday's post:

1. You all have homework. Please help the TDSB plan for the future by completing the simple questionnaire. Place it back in the envelope and return to me by April 28th. This should only take you a few minutes.

2. Grade 1s also have homework that they will be asking you to help with. They have all drawn (from a bucket) a special place in our community and are going to ask you for two reasons why it's an important place. The researchers have exactly one week to return their homework, but many are planning to get it done earlier so that they don't forget. Very responsible. Completing their at-home research is part of their final rubric mark for this exciting project, and they know how they can not only earn a level 3, but possibly even a level 4 by writing down your comments in French themselves. Yikes!!

3. We introduced an algorithm for adding larger numbers today. It's something that grade 2s need to start working on (hence the name), but some grade 1s are motivated to try it too. Many of our grade 2s are off to a great start using this strategy. Perhaps if your grade 2 student would like some extra homework (coughArcher) you could give them some two-digit addition questions to try, using this method.