Wednesday 26 April 2017

Café Update

Dear parents,

Thanks SO much for all those fantastic boxes and rolls. We used every last one! They have been transformed into 3D creations that we will label with the mathematical names and eventually bring home for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to question your builder on the shapes of future boxes that you find in your home, but I don't think we need anymore garbage donations this year!
In addition to that fun math activity, we also played a little game to practice using the correct names of shapes as well as terminology that describes location. Students took turns describing what they had built out of blocs using all our mathematical language and their partner had to try to build the exact same thing without looking. You know it's a good description when you lift up your partition and both structures look the same!

I'd like to confirm that we will go ahead with our poetry café this Friday morning from 10:45 - 11:30 am. If you're able to join us in our audience, that would be lovely. Each student will be doing a reading of the poem they are most proud of.